Our Business Partner

Our Business Partners

Our’s Internet Connectivity aggregates Global Tier-1 ISPs from players such as Pacnet, PT Moratel, TaTa Communications, HGC, Global Transit and MYIX and we at datacenter locations such as AIMS, CX2, iCity, and Equinix and we work very closely with the local Telco’s which includes Telekom Malaysia, TIME and Maxis .

Our Core Activities

These ISPs runs a round-the-clock IP network with strong international peering relationships, enabling it to offer integrated access, data, and value-added services to customers with interests in commercial centers in Asia and globally. Today, the network reliability and diversity are an industry benchmark as it maintains connectivity for customers even in regional outage situations. These Tier one ISPs are the partner-of-choice for global multi-site corporations and Asian businesses. By leveraging on our reliable IP backbone, strong regional solutions and one-stop-shop service, our clients are able to enhance their corporate efficiency and business performance across the region. The results are effective enterprise applications, running on a seamless, secure regional network, that contribute directly to their customers’ satisfaction.